Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019

What we are doing in S.T.E.M tech.

Image result for micro bit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

This is a micro bit.
 In S.T.E.M we have been coding these micro bits to do many things such as, showing icons and words that we have drawn or written. We can also add buzzers onto them and code our micro bits to play music or a sound. Other than connecting a buzzer you can also connect headphones to your micro bit to hear the sound better. Micro bits only take in 3 volts so you wouldn't get an electric shock evan if you tryed.
We all tested what could conduct electricity to the micro bit and here our some examples of what worked. There was tinfoil, people, and table legs. We learnt about inputs and outputs and how they worked on the micro bits. To code the micro bits we used microbit.org and then when we were happy with what we had coded we would plug in our micro bits to our computer and download our coding on to our micro bits. Then whatever we coded it to do the micro bit would do it all on its own. I really like S.T.E.M. tech as we learn lots of stuff about coding and many other things.

-Amandine M