Friday, August 23, 2019

About Power Play

Power Play

Power play is a part of learning that we do in LH3. What we do for power play is
-20 minutes of reading (Novel)
-10 minutes Quick write(What I have done above)
Quick write-
Quick write is were we are given 10 minutes to write about anything we want, literally anything. Example of a quick write is above ,this is one that I wrote and than published. Once the ten minutes is over we count all of our words to see what the total is. Our goal for each day is to  try and beat the amount of words that the got on the most recant quick write.
For reading we read a Novel for 20minutes followed with a Quick write. We started reading for 20 minutes so that the book can give us some inspiration for what we can write about. We also do reading because you dont read as much in intermediate also its just good to read every now and than.

I enjoy doing Power play as a part of my learning in LH3.
Thankyou for reading my Blog post and going through my Blog. I would love it if you could comment and give me some feed back/forward.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Speaking Out Loud.....Its What You Gotta Do!

Hi, Welcome back! My Blog post is about my class speech. The topic of my speech is Why I think all schools should encourage kids to write in books more often.

This is my class speech.
I wrote about Why I think all schools should encourage kids to write in book s more often because I feel like computers aren't helping kids learning as much as computers.
One thing that I think I did really well was How I looked up at the audience and spoke clearly.
One thing that I think I could improve on is talking much slower as many of the comments that I got mentioned how I spoke pretty quick.